Date: 14-Sep-2024
Saturday September 14th a Day of Inspiration, Sadhana and Sangha Connection Free for SYTA members and their students.
Morning Yoga Class
Time: 9 - 10am (AEST)
Join Swami Atmamuktananda for an inspiring morning yoga class.
Please click to join here.
Meeting ID: 862 9363 1313
Passcode: Yoga108!
Morning Session.
Time: 10.30-11.45am
Nada Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Swami Dayasagar Saraswati
Please Register here. (Registration essential).
Afternoon Session
Time: 2.30-4.00pm
Head Heart and Hands with Swami Yogakanti Saraswati
Please Register here. (Registration essential).
Late Afternoon
Time: 5.20-6.15 AEST
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and Havan with Rocklyn Ashram
Chanting for the benefit of all beings for Peace Plenty and Prosperity.
Please click to join here