
Contact us



Region: NSW Regional
Suburb: Bateau Bay, NSW
Phone: +61448250445
Website: https://dayasagaryoga.weebly.com

About the teacher

Swami Dayasagar has been a student and practitioner of yoga for a good part of her life, teaching classes and seminars in various locations in Australia and abroad.

She has resided in Cootamundra, a smallish town in rural NSW, in recent years and had the opportunity during that time to learn various crafts, including weaving - both indigenous hand weaving and using a loom. On reflection she had the realisation that we weave the practices and philosophy of yoga into our own being - at the source of which is that part of us that recognises it’s Self - illuminating our deeper nature. She is returning to the NSW Central Coast in 2024.

Music and the philosophy of nada yoga have had a deep and abiding influence on her life.

She contiues to teach classes and workshops where there is an interest.

Contact Dayasagar